Not bad I guess...
Humour was decent,but it was a bit brief...the graphics were pretty clear,but the art lacked some shading.
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Not bad I guess...
Humour was decent,but it was a bit brief...the graphics were pretty clear,but the art lacked some shading.
It was a short animation. Thanks for the review :3
Nice video
May I suggest one more problem?There's also where in SOME high schools,the toilet paper has either been wasted or taken out by some kid ,so sometimes you finish your busininess and realise you have no paper...and is forced to get out of your cubicle when noone is around and rush to another cubicle just to get the paper.All the while you're bent over while running, clutching your pants closely to your chest .And it continues if you fail to find the toilet paper.
That aside,you've done an awesome job pointing out all these problems
You've got an awesome sense of humor :) Lol,Sephiroth suprised me while the random guy was ranting and raving about something.
Great job!
Lots of room for improvement
There are few very obvious problems that MUST be fixed,
-Coins that fly out smashed buildings and land behind you cannot be picked up;
-The music duplicates every time I start a second game or any game after that.
If it was possible to make the game a little more complex, I would suggest:
-Drops other than just coins (e.g. power-ups);
-Levels, each one harder than the previous one;
-At the end of each level (see above), there should be a shop where you could buy things that assist you in the game, (e.g. armour/defense upgrades, weapon/attack upgrades, speed upgrades, health upgrades)
-Boss fights
-Option to save and load games
This may sound a little farfetched, but I imagine that the game would be so much more interesting if these suggestions were implemented into the game.
A few negative points...
I completely agree with rawbutcher-tossing is murder in this game, with the tiny playing field.
Also, I find that the hit detection is very unforgiving. Maybe it's just me, but I think the hit detection is unreasonable for such a small playing field.
Overall, the game is okay, but a good idea would be to add multiple difficulties for story mode.
A challenging game, though I eventually proved the game, or whatever entity speaks to me throughout the game imperfect. The feeling of victory is so satisfying...
But I digress. I admire the way you have managed to make a game that has nothing more than words that is yet so captivating- Bravo! And thumbs up for the antagonistic (and slightly humorous) entity :D
Pure Awesomeness
Like every single other review, I have the following two things to say:
1. This song is AWESOME
2. The Awesomeness of this song stems from its intensity
So far, I've never seen any song on Newgrounds with enough intensity to rival this masterpiece! Well done!
Age 28, Male
Joined on 10/19/08